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Monday, June 26, 2006


Woke up tired because of my unending battle with misery. Last night it tried to suffocate me in my sleep but I struggled to stay alive. I woke up in the middle of the night, heart racing, head aching, and hyperventilating. I sat down on my bed and cried. My room was really dark and I barely saw the photographs and graphic designs I posted in my room's walls. I lied down and shivered, feeling the coldness of my room. I fell asleep crying.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hairwars: The Revenge of the Frizz

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My dear sister
She can be a pop-diva with this hair but she needs lots of training for that.

Monday, June 12, 2006

A.K.A. "Art Man"

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For most of the summer I was Teacher Allen and Art Man for the kids in Truevalue Rockwell...
Tomorrow is the first day of classes for the first semester and I am so excited to go to school already (it's like when you anticipate Christmas morn -- thinking of the gifts from Santa), I know this semester will be a fun one. But I miss the kids.
There's Baron (5yo). He loves to draw dinosaurs and ask much questions in class. Most of the time he runs around with his classmates around the workshop area while waiting for his mom to fetch him.
Gian (5yo), in our last day of workshop he cried because Baron told him that the heart that he drew in his notebook was ugly. I had to carry him in my arms and talk to him while he was wiping his tears off from his eyes.
Cris (7yo), who always waits for his mom to fetch him. Most of the time he would hug me when i sit beside him. And there was this one time that he tried to take a bite of my fore arm because he was so hungry from waiting for his mom.
Erin (4yo), who has a fraternal twin brother, didn't move in the first activity she did. Her mom told me that this was her way of shutting everything out whenever she would be shy or insecure. But eventually after much baby talk she drew something.
And there's Nico (4yo) who loves cars. We played with his toy cars during the last day. I also taught him a secret handshake. And he would smile everytime I lose from the thumb wrestling.
I have 48 students all in all and if I'd enumerate my experiences with them it would take so much space here. Maybe in my next few posts, you'll see glimpses of the kids' antics.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Kids at Art - Truevalue, Rockwell

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Baron, 5
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Roxanne, 5 and Cris, 7
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Gian, 5
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Sean, 4
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Nico, 4
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Mandy, 6
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Art Teacher!!