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Sunday, July 10, 2005

Telephone Talking

I checked the luminescent hands of my wristwatch.
It was the only visible object in my room.
I lied on my bed, waiting.

Ten minutes passed.
My cellular phone; idle for the longest time.
I tried to reach you; a few rings,
More waiting.

I tried sleeping
So tomorrow I can say that I fell asleep, waiting.
Fixed my bed and arranged my pillows in their usual places on my bed.

I thought of you – the reason behind your disregard of me.
Then I fell into this pit.
But I was too tired to feel anything;
So I uttered no sound,
Not even a yell;
Even though it was a long fall.

The air was damp
And it was dark.
I lied there for a while trying not to move,
Just breathing.

One o’clock,
I saw the shining hands of my wrist watch
From the peripherals of my sight.
I stood up and switched the light on.
I was back in my room.

I got hold of the phone and dialed the number
I knew for months now.
You answered with a cold tone
That sent me shivering inside.
I said goodbye because you couldn’t talk.

At last my used to be idle phone sprang to life;
The sound of millions of crickets stuck inside my head.
I read the message you sent me.
I understood.

I sent myself back to bed
To wait once more.
Two hours after midnight.

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