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Monday, May 28, 2007

Frost Bite

The cold air
Envelopes my nakedness.
The breeze
An icy-needle like blanket.
I lay still.
Breathing shallow.
Eyes heavy
with frozen tears.
My body

Friday, May 25, 2007

Self-Confessed Alcoholic

Today i try and look for the pieces -
The ones i lost.
I guess I won't find them.
Tomorrow i'll be stuck in limbo.
My complicated life will be now as simple as going to and coming from the stressful environment called work.
Now i feel empty as the bottles of beer in front of me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


The past few days
I tried
To play a song
In my head
But now
The melody
Has faded
And I'm left
With a memory
Of broken
Chords and Silences.
Haunted melodies
Of the past.

Sunday, May 20, 2007


The moon weeps tonight.
Each tear drop is caught by the leaves of a dying plant.
It neither brings life nor health but pain.
Tomorrow my garden of hope will die.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Insomnia 125

The temperature of my room rises in each passing moment;
I hear roosters trying to communicate with their fellow;
My body tired from the long day;
But still my mind is restless.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


I was crying in my dream last night while i was walking a blurry path with you.
You tried to ease the pain by holding my hand
But everytime you tried my hand would tremble
And I would let go.
You were a few miles away from me
When i looked back
Still crying.