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Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The Attack of Sweet Cravings

When you are hungry and there is no available food in the ref but raw food, the hired help is out and you just want dessert after a hearty meal, Teletubbies is on and you want something to eat while watching those somewhat disgustingly cute colorful creatures with these strange shapes and figures on top of their head (which will make you think if one of those is a phallic symbol of some sort); so you can throw up something after the show (not just gastric juices but bits of semi-digested food), or you just want to surprise your mom by letting her taste the nastiest food she’ll ever consume; and she’ll say to you that it’s the tastiest (but not necessarily delicious) food she ever ate – probably because you’re her child and she doesn’t want to dampen your spirits about your dream on becoming the best cook in the world. Try this:
Choc-nut Cake.
You will need 3 egg yolks and 1 whole egg, a 300ml can of condensed milk (preferably Carnation or Milkmaid, not Alaska because it has this weird taste), and, of course, Choc-nut – about 5 bars or 10 if you’re really in the mood to make yourself sick.
To create this sweet concoction you have to beat the egg yolks with the whole egg (don’t forget to break the egg, the shell has no special flavor, trust me) then mix in the condensed milk. Before blending in the Choc-nut in the mixture, crush them, in a separate platter, with a fork or your hand if you want your essence to be included in the cake (this is most favored by lovers). Put it in a microwave safe container and put it on the microwave oven in the maximum setting for 3 minutes or until you see it puff out of the container like a cake (maybe like a brownie or a brown puffed pillow). Top with confectioner’s sugar. Eat it while it’s warm because if you don’t it’ll look like pancakes when it’s cold.
Post text: Recipe intended just for the consumption of children (5-10 years old) or kid-at-heart folks (like me!).

Sunday, July 17, 2005

When i'm with you...

I need not wear a mask,
I can clown around when i want to;
I need not be an adult,
I can be a kid and play;
I need not say much,
A simple touch and kiss
send what I feel for you;
I need not hide,
you bring out my inner being;
I need not be afraid,
because you will always be beside me.

Friday, July 15, 2005


Lips are numb.
Heart beating slowly,
every thump a short of breath.
Stomach grumbling,
Close to vomiting.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Telephone Talking

I checked the luminescent hands of my wristwatch.
It was the only visible object in my room.
I lied on my bed, waiting.

Ten minutes passed.
My cellular phone; idle for the longest time.
I tried to reach you; a few rings,
More waiting.

I tried sleeping
So tomorrow I can say that I fell asleep, waiting.
Fixed my bed and arranged my pillows in their usual places on my bed.

I thought of you – the reason behind your disregard of me.
Then I fell into this pit.
But I was too tired to feel anything;
So I uttered no sound,
Not even a yell;
Even though it was a long fall.

The air was damp
And it was dark.
I lied there for a while trying not to move,
Just breathing.

One o’clock,
I saw the shining hands of my wrist watch
From the peripherals of my sight.
I stood up and switched the light on.
I was back in my room.

I got hold of the phone and dialed the number
I knew for months now.
You answered with a cold tone
That sent me shivering inside.
I said goodbye because you couldn’t talk.

At last my used to be idle phone sprang to life;
The sound of millions of crickets stuck inside my head.
I read the message you sent me.
I understood.

I sent myself back to bed
To wait once more.
Two hours after midnight.