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Thursday, August 03, 2006


Short Term:
- jewelry plate for ma'am rita, orthographic (due: aug:29)
- (done) Plate for sir mel, advertisment for self
- (done)Download exam questions for ma'am tan-sy
- Plan visual board/story board for ma'am tan-sy
- collect magazines for the visual board

Himig Sanghaya
- think of other projects
- plan stuff for the new HQ
- do agenda for saturdays meeting with the officers
- organize the officers of Himig Sanghaya Choral
- research about putting up a Foundation
- Reorganize IPAP-VA curriculum

- (done) get a hair cut
- (done) shave!
- arrange a song
- paint something
- (done) send resume to Sir Manny
- find a raket

Long term:
- join competitions (shell, Nikon)
- graduate CFA-ID (Due: Apr 2008)
- graduate BFA-ID (Due: Apr 2009)
- find a job that can support my studies and expenses (Summer 2007)
- move out of the house (ASAHP)
- work in an advertising or design firm
- put up my own design firm

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