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Monday, September 27, 2004

the ring...

I took it off friday...
It's like a big change in me. I don't seem to expect someone to come back to me anymore... Sad but true.
But sometimes I panic whenever I feel my ring finger -- I don't have the ring on my finger anymore. I was used to it being there just as I was used to you being there for me. Maybe that's how it is to let go of someone; to set him free so he will be happy.
I'm slowly waking up from the dream I had with you and now I'm facing reality on my own. People come and go. I have only myself to think about now. Focus on. In the first place I should have been complete as a person before I entered a realtionship.
We thought we could help each other with our problems, our "self-problems". We were wrong. We can not change someone the way we think what he wants o be. It's for him to define what he wants, where he''ll be contented to and how he'll achieve his goals. We can only share what the other person has by being in the background, knowing that he's doing it for his own and because he wants us to be a part of his life.

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