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Friday, October 27, 2006

Space OCT 2002

I am crying again...
But this time it's different -- I am crying because I am afraid of what's going to happen next. I don't want to think of the possibilities -- the what ifs. I am just afraid. Afraid of losing someone I dearly Love. Bit I know it won't end this way... We have a lifetime to ahead of us. We still have a lot of things to talk about, to share and a lot of love to give.
I guess this is the point when one of us needs a breathing space. It's just that this time it's not me who needs it. And it hurts me to know that I am suffocating someone...
It's really hard not to hear from someone who was always where to listen to you before you sleep. An accepting pad, where your stories may land. But sometimes I feel that I want to be that pad too. Maybe it's not for me to expect him to tell me his problems but I wish he would talk more about himself so I can see his life -- to see more of him. I'm just missing him so much.

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